more invisible"--Randolph / pink tab / Kit - Dally

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Fri Oct 19 09:27:57 CDT 2007

           I think Victor Herbert is worth a pink tab.
           I like those old show tunes. 
           Another pink tab:
           I've been too lazy to look up if Filtham is a real composer.
           I've vowed not to let this weekend go by without finding out

Those would be orange tabs-music.

Pink is for any red herring that points to the concerns that predominate COL49, 
all those things having to do with encrypted/warped/concealed communication, 
in particular if it involves postal messengers that are unaligned or in 
opposition with established goverment communication systems. This includes 
forgeries and other philatelic concerns such as 'Cinderellas' [1] like  Veikko's 
'Minneskort'. As Against the Day is loaded with this sort of spoor---that tuvan 
stamp on the cover is a major-league 'Cinderella'---there's lots of pink tabs. 

Here's some page #'s to check out:

18: Character name: 'Penny Black'
78: a disscussion of the philospher's stone that leads to an 
obvious demonstration of 'ritual reluctance'
84: The "minneskort'
206: An interesting tangle of new communications devices, 
all seemingly used for illegal purposes
223: Both an echo of trystero---

". . . .T.W.I.T itself using him for motives even more 
"occult" than they pretended to let him in on. . . ." 

and weird distribution of messages---

"Windowless carriages were arriving at Chunxton Crescent in the 
middle of the night amid scientifically muffled hoofbeats, impressivly 
sealed documents. . . ."

Many more, but in particular 542---

"What better place for the keepers of the seals and the codes to convene?"

. . . .978/979 and above all 1081, where the entire 
thread is left to hover in the air, just floating on its own.

Filtham's Tedium reminds me of Bruckner's Te Deum, but that Richard Strauss guy 
is mentioned more than once in AtD. Doubtless OBA had lots more on him for GR pt 
II, maybe someday, kind of a cross between Rossini and the Decadents. . . . 

I doubt that Filtham is a real composer, but there are plenty of English 
Composers that would fit TRP's description. Parry and Stanford are
both far better known in England than anywhere else and wrote plenty 
of church music.

By the way, do you know the music of Ruggles?:

I asked Michael Tilson Thomas [a champion of the music of Carl Ruggles] if he 
knew of any reason why OBA's middle name would be the same as that 
composer, but he did not know the answer.

1:          A Cinderella stamp is any non-postage stamp. The oft-neglected 
          stepchild of the postage stamp, a Cinderella may look like a stamp, 
          but it won't carry the mail. The category includes locals, labels, 
          tax stamps, fiscals, poster stamps, charity seals, forgeries, 
          fantasies, phantoms, revenues, etc. Some are more elaborately 
          designed than the postage stamps they imitate. The hard-core 
          philatelist scorns any stamp that didn't carry the mail, but others 
          find these philatelic by-ways fascinating and rewarding. Philatelic 
          Exhibition Seals are a popular sideline among stamp collectors. 
          The heyday for Cinderellas in the U.S. was the 1920's and 1930's, 
          when many beautifully designed engraved examples were produced.

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