Misc. backfilling...on that early Giant Eyeball in the beginning of AtD

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 15:54:42 CDT 2007

On 10/24/07, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:

> Much thanks for this...I have to get it, read it.
> I might argue that pynchon's eyeball in the beginning of AtD
> IS our way/society's/tehcnology's way of "knowing itself"....
> might you agree?
> Rereading that section, knowing how much TRP does not
> like photographs, being photographed it now seems like
> the photographer, fully clothed, and the fleeing nude woman
> are akin to Morris Teflon and his Leica in the beginning of V.---
> he was naked; they were not being 'natural' in Nature.....
> he was photographing her, a modern 'voyeur', tourist of
> sex, let's say.......
> Sound like a possible reading?

Everything's possible, but some things are more probable than others.
See, e.g., the above.  At any rate, the Romanyshyn book was something
I'd intended to deploy in my AtDDtA opening salvo, but never quite got
'round to, so ...

And then there's Henry James ...

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