Misc. on Liberalism
Mark Kohut
markekohut at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 17:32:47 CDT 2007
I picked up this:
The Strange Death of Liberal England is a book written by George Dangerfield, first published in 1935, attempting to explain the decline of the British Liberal Party in the years 1910 to 1914.
for more deep background into OBA's AtD maybe?
Besides an AtD-echo in the epigraph....not space for here......there is this early:
"Liberalism [from 06--10]was still embodied in a large political party; it enjoyed the support
of philosophy and religion; it was intelligible, it was intelligent and it was English....and it so
far transcended politics and economics as to impose itself upon behavior as well.....
[THEN,] "for a nation which wanted to revive a sluggish blood by running very fast and in any direction, Liberalism was clearly an inconvenient burden"....
More inconvenient truths ...
David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
I guess extreme libertarianism is pretty close to non-violent
anarchism. Both are essentially anti-Authoritarian. But neither are
what one would call "liberal" or "progressive," mostly because neither
would support anything achieved through taxes, coerced financial
support of government services. So is Pynchon a Liberal? I know many
here would vigorously assert that he is, but that is hard to square
with Anarchism...
David Morris
On 10/28/07, Mark Kohut wrote:
> which sheds more on AtD, on the "range" of what has been lost and, perhaps sheds a bit more circumstantiall evidence on (part of?) Pynchon's political beliefs?
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> Subject: learned while reading something on Pound
> Poeple to whom it mattered, in late Victorian England, started to use the word 'libertarian' to replace the word ''anarchist" when that word became synonymous with 'bomb-throwing anarchist"!
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