ATDTDA: another dead spot?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Oct 31 04:26:22 CDT 2007

Dear page,
  No, you haven't misconstrued my point.....I will only add I was speculating on more than categories even, but literally two narratives ultimately joined....but as speculation it lies in'the realm of the counterfactually unable to be proved....and irrelevant for understanding 
  (specualtion based on a letter TRP wrote his agent way back about the books he had conceived and was working on)

Page <page at> wrote:
          The Western Revenge novel with powerful political overtones. Dynamite as a way of life. Telluride almost certainly comes from to hell you ride. Outlaws don't like to ride into box canyons. Nearly a sure-fire way to go to hell. I would be inclined to divide ATD into your two categories, with a sub-category (or sub-text, or leitmotif) of political upheaval. It comes as no surprise the TP knows a great deal about Colorado, its history, geography, and its varied political problems.
  Have I misconstrued your point? (I am new here and need to catch up on the topics and those who are on the list.) I like your ideas.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Mark Kohut 
  To: kelber at 
  Cc: pynchon -l 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:52 PM
  Subject: Re: ATDTDA: another dead spot?

  I have the purely speculative half-belief that AtD as we are reading it is a mash-up so to analogize of two (or more?) novels Mr. Pynchon worked on....for a long time....
  The Western revenge novel.....
  A-and...the other one.....involving maths (as they say in England) and timr travel....
  Any thoughts upon?

kelber at wrote:
  The ATDTDA seems to have run into another (hopefully temporary) dead spot, with the exception of the hardworking and intrepid Mr. Nightingale. Obviously, part of the problem stems from hosting problems, but I also found the Kit and Dally in Europe sections to be tough going in my first read through. By this time, the lack of a central protagonist really started to get to me, and the writing style isn't nearly as amazing as that in GR. 

But read on I will (as Yoda might say).


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