ATDTDA: another dead spot?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Oct 31 18:56:45 CDT 2007

Hunter's pen is hallowed, yes?
  As an artist, he is sorta omnipotent?....can see causes and their results?.....and wants
  to "not remember"?......become innocent (in his vision) again?  Pynchon-like?
  What/where is The City of Silence? Who is Queen of the Adriatic?  (Is Queen of the Adriatic, V. [before History's coruption?] Botticelli's Venus? 

kelber at wrote:
  I agree with you that the protagonist is the world (as it might be with a few changes) -- guess it's hard not to want to distance oneself from it on the average news day. 

Let's also remeber that we're in the Bilocations section. Hunter Penhallow, whom we met in the Iceland Spar section has bilocated to Venice.

p. 136: "All through his boyhood, Hunter Penhallow had watched for the fateful moment, prayed for its thunderous assault in his sensorium, for immediate translation miles and years away from here [the Venice of the Artic], to the City of Silence and Queen of the Adriatic herself."

Now, p. 577, he inexplicably (to himself) appears in Venice. "'I wish I could remember. Anything. Whatever the time-reversal of "remembering" is ...'"

In between, he's entered some sort of "mass conveyance." (p. 155): "The longer they traveled, the more 'futuristic' would the scenery grow. Hunter was on his way to refuge, whatever that might have come to mean anymore, in this world brought low."

This conveyance seems similar to the one some of the Chums enter while visiing NY, where they travel forward in time and get glimpses of WWI (or some future apocalypse).


-----Original Message-----
>From: Cometman 

>Or is the intent rather historical/didactical than dramatic:
>is the point that we, the readers, are each to co-create this
>fictional world with its points of comparison and divergence
>with our world...and instead of watching a character develop
>(pun-linkage to Merle's photography), we watch a world, an era,
>develop, or, indeed, are developed ourselves, as and while
>we're guided by suggestion, detail, reference, to develop
>a world-view?
>--- kelber at wrote:
>> The ATDTDA seems to have run into another (hopefully temporary) dead
>> spot, with the exception of the hardworking and intrepid Mr.
>> Nightingale. Obviously, part of the problem stems from hosting
>> problems, but I also found the Kit and Dally in Europe sections to be
>> tough going in my first read through. By this time, the lack of a
>> central protagonist really started to get to me, and the writing
>> style isn't nearly as amazing as that in GR. 
>> But read on I will (as Yoda might say).
>> Laura

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