ATDTDA (17): Fickle Creek (462.21)

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Sun Sep 2 22:19:49 CDT 2007

Truth be told, this one gave me some difficulty.  The Pynchon Wiki doesn't offer any information on this, and I could not locate a "Fickle Creek" in New Mexico.  Anyone have better info on this??  Any New Mexicans out there?

Ne'ertheless, it's apparently known for its eggs (i.e., in North Carolina, not New Mexico):

"Standing in front of the Weaver Street Market egg case, I ruminated on the varieties of eggs -- from the lowest-priced traditional white eggs from conventionally raised, confined chickens at Latta's Egg Ranch to the most costly speckled, variegated eggs from free-range chickens raised outdoors on bugs and corn at Fickle Creek Farms. 
For the past 10 years I've mostly eaten from the middle of the road: moderately expensive cage-free eggs from Latta's. That's my compromise between price, cruelty and ostensibly gastronomic quality." [...]

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