ATDTDA (17): Deuce Grief (478)

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Tue Sep 11 22:13:15 CDT 2007

"Deuce's eyes were filling unexpectedly with salt water, some outrush of emotion traped prickling just behind his nose, as he imagined himself on out to some picturesquely windswept grave, head bowed, hat off, 'Big slow lummox, couldn't get out of your own way, they were bound to find you, shouldn't even been you, you were just along for the job, coverin your pardner's back, maybe deserving of hard labor but not to be shot down in some cantina suurounded by language you never learned more of than _senorita chinga chinga_ and _mas cerveza_ maybe, you old fool -- damn, Sloat, what'd you think you were doing?' [...]" (p. 478)
"chinga chinga" = "fuck fuck"
"mas cerveza" = "lots of beer!"
Pynchon gives us the sentimental image of the cowboy at the grave of his partner ... why'd it have to be you, in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc. ... quickly followed by a fear for his own ass and a hunger for immediate revenge.
To what extent is his exit motivated by fear for his own safety?  A desire to avenge Sloat's death?  An excuse to leave Lake?

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