With TRP there is always more.....belatedly learned

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 20:06:48 CDT 2007

as I could not believe the phrase "child of the Storm' had resonances, meanings we had not yet found....
  And then I found this:
  WEST VIRGINIA, the "Child of the Storm," received its name in 
the Convention of the 20th of November, 1861, that framed and 
proposed the Constitution for the said State. The formation of 
West Virginia was not the act of any one man, nor was it the act of the 
politicians of the State, as they were in the Rebellion. It was simply the 
carrying out of an enthusiastic determination of a large body of serious, 
determined men, who felt that they had been oppressed by the slave power 
of the State. The movement, therefore, for a new State readily assumed a 
form that promised success, and the people gave a hearty support to the 
cause. Its organization and admission to the Union would complete the 
chain of loval commonwealths on the south side of Mason and Dixon's line, 
and would drive back the jurisdiction of rebellious Virginia beyond the chain 
of mountains and interpose that barrier to the progress of the insurrectionary 
forces westward and northward

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