ATDDTA 539 foot in mayo

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Fri Sep 28 09:19:08 CDT 2007

Dr. V Ganesh Rao, p 539:

Vectors "considered subjectively" - So, as One's Self?
sqrt(-1) -> imaginary axis, as totem/taboo things
Becoming longer or shorter and turning: short/turned = AF.
more advanced asanas = AF.
maitre d' / functionary = repressive societal Oedipal-mindset taboos
vanished - "where I go, you cannot follow" - AF
reappeared, foot in tub of mayo: foot as euphemism for genital
I know, a bottle of Miracle Whip has a certain pleasant viscosity.
taller - not short/turned therein, not AF.
blonde - an aspect of the mayo itself.

I haven't figured out yet, what tantric aspect of the Alpha-Omega
in Revelation is described with a hoary head (i.e., beard) and hair.
But back-inference from P's mayo/blonde may help me solve the other.

Perhaps, it is based on the mirrored transposition of head and glans:
here, the yellow mayo covering penis :: blonde hair upon head.

So what does all this mean for the murder my mayonnaise scene?
I'd say it figures an ordinary slippery dyadic sexual encounter,
which is what Kit(?) may have hoped for from the rendevous.

Death, as I am putting it together in Revelation, is an aspect of
coming. The tantric task of the lamb is to investigate such death
without fully dying. It seems that the partner's coming nullifies
the death aspect; But not in, say, the DE-ception of anal sodomy.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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