AtDTDA: 19 Sea Change

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Mon Sep 24 10:56:35 CDT 2007

[!] .spoO  Hit "P" instead of "R" in the "To:" box. Trust me, there's more to 
follow. . . .
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: robinlandseadel at
>                      Full fathom five thy father lies;
>                      Of his bones are coral made;
>                      Those are pearls that were his eyes;
>                      Nothing of him that does fade,
>                      But doth suffer a sea-change
>                      Into something rich and strange.
>                      Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
>                      Ding-dong,
>                      Hark! Now I hear them – Ding-dong, bell.
> . . . .and surely, has there ever been a greater sea-change? Overnight. the
> karmic vultures of Corporatism swarm over a small patch of sea, just off the 
> coast of Morroco.

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