3rd post p. 836 (after break on page)..Paint It Black..

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 6 21:28:33 CDT 2008

836, (after break on page..) "nameless black mountainside'.....unlike most earthly mountains....blackness is being accented by OBA in this section....'blackness at the heart of all color" a few pages back....(what can that mean?, since the color black is not at the heart of ANY color ).....'all converged to black, black unmitigated by candleflame or woodsmoke)......
Notice that 'black mountainside is also nameless", as was the sea earlier.....
  Speculations: black is death herein, a common trope, natural death, reinforced by that figure watching Danilo and Cyprian...(like Bergman's Death or who else might the figure be?)
  'black mountainside' is as nameless, as tacit as all being, like the sea? Black at the heart of all color may be P's metaphor of the notion that Life, all its 'color', only has that color because of our mortality...???  'Nother oft-expressed notion by some thinkers.......
  in this primal basic world,---back in the last century (as is said in the text--- which would mean early 18th, largely before the industrial revolution, before electic lights, trains, etc.)---death (black) was what life converged to, despite community (candleflame and woodsmoke)...?
  It all reminds me of that line about the pampas and basic existence, including basic fear, dread and death [from GR, I think and I paraphrase, I hope closely enough]  that Monte, I believe, posted to show OBAs unsentimentality/ non-reductiveness about 'natural' life......
  I might argue, full of that pretension Dave has informed us is so pervasive, that this section is a major part of TRps vision of "deliverance"......deliverance from the modern age to a more primal time........(not that he wants us to go back there, but that that is where we were and ocasionally can esperience again.)...?

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