atdtda 31: - pg 867

Bekah bekah0176 at
Thu Apr 24 21:20:10 CDT 2008

Some brief and general annotations for page 867

867.5    "Rogue elephant"
"a term for a lone, violently aggressive wild elephant, separated  
from the rest of the herd. It is a calque of the Sinhala term hora  
aliya. Its introduction to English has been attributed by the Oxford  
English Dictionary to Sir James Emerson Tennent, but this usage may  
have been pre-dated by William Sirr.

867.6 "Prince who again?" incuired Cyprian in some dismay.  "Surly  
not,  umpire?"
Not too sure what this means -  umpire = Empire?   or umpire  as in  
cricket  (is this cricket - is this right?)  Is he referring to  
someone as being an umpire? Is it a play on both meanings?

Cyprian is going to be sent to see Prince S.  He is reminded of a  
prior assignation with the guy arranged by Theign who is now on the  
hit list.  The prince is okay?

867.16  "I must remember not to wear yellow."
The Austrian Empire's flag was half yellow (top) and half black  
Cyprian in no way wants to be seen as allied with them or Theign -   
not in Venice! 

Buddhist connection - yellow symbolizes the earth (fwiw)

867. 24  valletto     valet, attendant.

867.25  heliotrope
A moderate, light, or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish  

867. 26  Facciam' il porco
  Literally, "we are doing the pig," (says the Prince to Cyprian) -   
but meaning we are doing the sex pervert thing -  porco is Italian  
slang for sexual pervert.

867. 27 Il mio ragazzo è molto geloso
Italian: My little guy is very jealous.

867. 29 Qualsiasi, Ciprianino
Italian: Whatever you want (you want is implied), little Cyprian. 

867. 33 Symbolists
  In painting, Symbolism (as a style) was a continuation of some  
mystical tendencies in the Romantic tradition... The Symbolist  
painters mined mythology and dream imagery for a visual language of  
the soul, seeking evocative paintings that brought to mind a static  
world of silence. The symbols used in Symbolism are not the familiar  
emblems of mainstream iconography but intensely personal, private,  
obscure and ambiguous references. More a philosophy than an actual  
style of art, the Symbolist painters influenced the contemporary Art  
Nouveau movement and Les Nabis. In their exploration of dreamlike  
subjects, symbolist painters are found across centuries and cultures,  
as they are still today; Bernard Delvaille has described René  
Matritte's surrealism as "Symbolism plus Freud.

867.34 - "The Iron Gateway"  Hunter Penthallow's Symbolist style  
artwork.   An "Iron Gateway" is quite different from some of the  
other gateways in this book,  many spiritual - another one coming up  
that's spiritual/material.  Not necessarily called gateways, though.

867.37  Carlo Zen furniture:
Furniture associated with Italy and Symbolist movement

867.Galileo Chini   Symbolist artist - (with several vases)

867.40 Bugatti  (Carlo) most famous for his furniture designs.  Very  
stylized "modern" type stuff - unique -  a reaction to the heavy  
baroque, rococo stuff.   (a desk -  
very Art Nouveau)


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