VL-IV Chap 3 & 4 Preliminary Considerations

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 23:59:18 CST 2008

easy day

First some gentle meandering about two scene-setters already touched
on by robin - Zoyd's house and Cucumber Lounge

1) Zoyd's house - an important emotional center.  I want to say that
this book triggered in me an appreciation of the "house as body"
Without getting into all sorts of symbolic payload, just like say
maybe a simile "he's waking up, right, a-and the window is like his
eyes and the fig leaves are like umm eyelashes" type of thing...and so
anyway, one of the major things I'm rooting for in the book is for his
physical well-being and this is recapped in details about his house...

2) Cucumber Lounge - backing way off of realism into the symbolic
realm but it will be only a quick parallax view...
silly question of the day
In the same sense that we all live in a yellow submarine, is it also
possible that we all live in a motor court behind the Cucumber Lounge?

eckshually, that's about as fur as I kin go ---

Till next time!

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