NP: Netiquette (no spoilers) (used to be: The phrase

kelber at kelber at
Wed Jan 23 16:37:17 CST 2008

I think I'm using html (whatever that is).  In any case, I'm too senile and/or incompetent to know the difference or to switch between the two modes (programs?  systems?  thingees?).


-----Original Message-----
>From: David Payne <dpayne1912 at>
>On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:29:10 -0500, Henry Mu <scuffing at> wrote: > 1. Plain text onlyI plead guilty as charged. But I don't really get this bit of netiquette. In this era of ever-expanding email storage space, why plain text only? Virus fears? 
>In fact, best as I can tell, you cannot even send plain text from the newest version of Hotmail. 
>And Microsoft is the bellwether, right? (I'm kidding, baaa!, just kidding....)   

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