The phrase read alongside Chemical Forces/TRP III

grladams at grladams at
Mon Jan 28 15:44:34 CST 2008

TRP V had to have read TRP III's Chemical Forces.

Against the day: A way to describe the relationship between the increasing
burden on certitude at the time and the growing dissolution of certitude as
evidenced in the historical arc of his literature. One could say that it's
illustrated by certitude at the time about chemical forces, heat, light and
electricity, retroshadowed by our understanding today. If I'm correct, we
know that there's entropy today, but back then, they thought that there was
absolute mutual convertability of the three forces. Gravity was a little
perplexing but it was cozy to keep on focusing on the nice three forces.
When we expect he three forces' mutual convertability forever and ever, we
will become disappointed. We have asked a lot of the day, we have borne
against it, we have made it gaunt. It ain't what it used to be.

This is a link to the work 

read from 522 to 530 

[regarding electricity]
It is distinguised from the other Forces by producing more and powerful
effects. The heat which it generates is the most intense heat known ; the
light, which it evolves is superior to the light of the Sun, the motion
which it causes is infinitely more rapid and prompt than any which can be
brought about by the more tardy operation of either Heat or Light ; the
physiological sensations which it exerts are more decided and evident than
those of the other forces... It is able to break up and destroy some of the
most powerful combinations existing in Nature and has disclosed the
existence of a very large number of the chemical elements known to the

p. 525

"Geo. Stephenson, the inventor of the Locomotive, ascribed the power that
drove it to the light of the sun. "Can you tell me," he said to Dr.
Buckland, "what is the power that is driving that train?" 
"I suppose it is one of your big engines."
"What do you say to the light of the sun?"
"How can that be?"
"It is nothing else; it is light bottled up in the earth for tens of
thousands of years,--light absorbed by plants and vegitables being
necessary for the condensation of carbon during the process of their
growth--and now after being buried in the earth for long ages in fields of
coal, that latent light is brought forth and liberated, made to work as in
that locomotive for great human purposes."

"When the rapid motion of a wheel results in producing great heat in the
axle, there is a great retardation in the motion of the wheel, exactly
equivalent to the degree of heat excited in the axle." (does this play into
the axle load thing?)

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