Fwd: Rocket Man: Dyson on Von Braun

Richard Fiero rfiero at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 00:20:03 CST 2008

Freeman Dyson's review of Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of 
War by Michael J. Neufeld is an obvious whitewash of every area 
covered in the review.  The characterization of NASA is especially 
galling and does invite inspection of Dyson's agenda.

Freeman Dyson: "The sun, the genome and the Internet can work 
together to bring wealth to the villages of Mexico just as the older 
technology of electricity and automobiles brought wealth to the 
villages of England."

TRP: "If our world survives, the next great challenge to watch out 
for will come -- you heard it here first -- when the curves of 
research and development in artificial intelligence, molecular 
biology and robotics all converge. Oboy."

A very few Freeman Dyson links:
Why the future doesn't need us.

Is Democratizing Technology the Key to Heaven on Earth?

Electromagnetic Radiation (emr) Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb

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