Fw: Pynchon, Dante and Divine Light

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 5 06:00:29 CST 2008

Yes...Clinching, I would say. 

So Dante must just have used those philosopers to make the case with reasoning...?

Mark Kohut (markekohut at yahoo.com) wrote:

> IF, the Jesuit priest [sic] who wrote that bit about Dante in his History of
> Philosophy is mostly right, is it possible that whatever was later
> translated as GOD IS LIGHT
> was influenced by Dante's "analysis" since the Bible Dante knew was not
> translated
> into English when he wrote?

"Deus lux est" (in the Vulgata's Latin) doesn't strike me as terribly

- Michael 

Michael J. Hußmann

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