Art Garfunkel's Library

Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Wed Jan 23 17:06:20 CST 2008

1023 seems like a short list since 1968 for a sporadically employed
singer/actor  with a lot of time on his hands.

On Jan 22, 2008 4:06 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> Everyone's entitled to their opinions, especially in this era of
> blogs.  So I won't succumb to the temptation to snark about HIS
> relative talent in music, because it's irrelevant.  And if Joe-Schmoe
> can have a blog abou literature, then I guess Art's entitled.
> But does he know what postmodern fiction is?  He includes Catch-22 on
> his list.  That is at least a bit post-modern?   And what about
> Portnoy's Complaint?
> His favorites list contains some fluff, but again, he's entitled.
> And what the hell does he mean when he calls GR "fraudulent."  I
> suspect he just couldn't follow it, so he feels obliged to denigrate
> it.
> David Morris
> On Jan 22, 2008 1:29 PM, Ian (Hank Kimble) Scuffling
> <scuffling at> wrote:
> > From the New Yorker,
> >
> > "I avoid fluff," Garfunkel explained last week, on the phone from a
>  Marriott in Florida. "The stuff that men are always reading on planes: I
> don't read that." He also doesn't read postmodern fiction—the Garfunkel
> Library contains no Pynchon or Barthelme. "I tried 'Gravity's Rainbow,' and
> I thought it was fraudulent," he said.
> >
> > "I read for the reading pleasure, not for the gold star," he went on.
> "Reading is a way to take downtime and make it stimulating. If you're in the
> waiting room of a dentist's office and don't want to twiddle your thumbs,
> you turn to Tolstoy." ("Tolstoy is the king of writing," he said.)
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