John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Jun 1 09:59:11 CDT 2008

David Payne asks:
No, but seriously Mark, I thought that the course I took on evolution was open-ended.

So please, as the good Glenn requests, elaborate! You were I assume, a student at Candlebrow U?!?
  Response below: we try to get AtD with what we have or are, so here's where I
  came from Time.
  Ah yes...Well, it is an event now always in the distant past. (McTaggart says that the past is always changing...........since past events are always becoming more past)
  I was in training to become a philosopher manque. They trained me well. I was much older then, "but I'm younger than that now"--Dylan. 
  Yes, at Candlebrow U., isn't it everywhere? 
  The course was called THE PHILOSOPHY OF TIME. Taught by a guy who had recently had an anthology of important philosphical essays--including at least one by himself, one Richard Gale, published in the wonderful Anchor series for courses and autodidacts called THE PHILOSOPHY OF TIME. (Now that's very Iceland Sparish, a little split light and, viola,
  an eponymous course.)
  Parse that "now always" the "distant past" from the first sentence......and you'll get an idea of what it was like.  The teacher proved time was real; we refuted that crazy McTaggart
  McTaggart, and I believed him then and sidled back into the day. 
  I have this memory from it, both inside and outside my mind, as ATD has it: Suggesting to him in a discussion that continued outside the classroom and down steps, that if Buddhist 
  Fourfold [??? no idea what this means anymore] Logic were used, then this one essay's argument would not stand up............The only "Buddhism" I knew then was from T. S. Eliot(!) and Hesse, so when he said the Logic did not hold, I folded. 
  Had I even known someone who knew Pynchon, I might have carried that argument. So, AtD is now about being right lo those many years ago. Smile. 
  Mark, timelessly

David Payne <dpayne1912 at> wrote:
On Wed, 28 May 2008 (22:51:40 -0700), Glenn (glenn_scheper at pleaded:

> Mark took a course on TIME? Please, elaborate!

Mark's not one to be late. He showed up for the course--you guessed it--ON TIME!

No, but seriously Mark, I thought that the course I took on evolution was open-ended.

So please, as the good Glenn requests, elaborate! You were I assume, a student at Candlebrow U?!?
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