haven't had time to listen to the interview

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 12:01:28 CDT 2008

BUT..........that TRP believes in "open-relationships' sorta depends on the meaning of "open", yes?  
and I just caught up with the supposed Playboy Japan interview with TRP and I seem to agree with Paul M. (maybe others).......
That ain't him. That wasn't him. Some kind of hoax or joke. 
1) he would only talk to his japanese translators through Ms. Jackson. Why, why would he give an "interview" this recent decade, to Playboy? 
2) That the NY Times went so downhill after 9/11 that he is no longer eager to read it "an hour early"....???.....I say he always knew what the TImes was/is.....he doesn't even say it is because of the error-filled Going to War coverage wherein Judith Miller channeled Chalabi
while alive and others bought the White House stories quite uncritically....???
3) He repeats something said he 'learned on the internet"???? Mr. Precision?
3) He would invest in tobacco companies, were he an investor???........because people (in NY?) are smoking more after 9/11?????......................
I suggest TRP would never even THINK of investing in tobacco companies.....and that if he would, he is too incredibly smart to think that seeing more New Yorkers on his rounds who seem to be smoking could be so generalizable.....
4) And much, much more.

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