Misc NP but P: ye olde binaries and preterition agin

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 20:52:28 CDT 2008

From  issue # 1 of Cultural Critique, Fall 1985, one Willaim Spanos in an article on
Harvard adopting a "Core Curriculum" to replace its General Education Program (from the 40s), which lead many other colleges to do tha same writes:
"By way of a destructive analysis of the synecdochic example of the Harvard "Report on the Core Curriculum" this essay tries to show that humanism is a logocentrism that precipitates a binary logic----Being/time, Identity/difference, Order/choas, etc.----in which the
first term is not simply privileged over the second, but is endowed with the authority and power to colonize the latter or to relegate it, In Thomas Pynchon's resonant term, to preterition.".............
I THINK I sorta know what he means, but I doubt it but it is nice to see OBA alluded to this way, imho.

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