gem urls
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Wed Jun 25 17:40:43 CDT 2008
I finally culled my 700 file Shambala harvest.
Dry to me, but P-appropriate.
Mann, '"The Nine Grounds of Intellectual Warfare"', Postmodern Culture v6n2
Cf phosgene
Indeed, we are now witnessing a kairological moment of the great christological
turning point. I-ching describes: "After a time of decay comes the turning
point. The powerful light that was banished returns. There is movement, but it
is not brought about by force... thus the movement is natural, arising
spontaneously... The old is discarded and the new is introduced."[57]
Feels relevant
Boris Mouravieff, an expert in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition,
published a three-volume work in French in 1961, called Gnosis. 22 In the early
nineties, English translations of the three volumes were finally published.
Mouravieff claimed that this Gnosis was the only complete exposition of the true
esoteric Christian tradition, which had been only partly understood by later
Christain heresies, including the second-century Gnostics. The tradition had
been kept alive in Greek and Russian monasteries, and Mouravieff used a very
ancient Slavonic text of the New Testament - a version that avoided all the
alterations imposed on the European versions, plus many other fascinating and
rare manuscripts.
Love lexemes?
The ocean, which is "meaningless" in its productivity and, as an alien reality,
cannot be reduced to a concept in human symbols, can be interpreted as a
projected construction, whose dominating semantic potential stems from the area
of feminine sexuality summarized in the single lexeme "vagina."
Manfred Geier- Stanislaw Lems Fantastic Ocean: Toward a Semantic Interpretation of Solaris1
This asian prophecy is another instance in which I recognize
the fall of the WTC (like in Revelation, Divine Comedy, etc.):
The Starry Deer as it sank seemed like a fallen goad of the gods' elephant.
Project South Asia
Two files with another eschatological recognition:
Autofellatio through an engine cylinder, which is
stunningly spelled out in Ezekiel Ch1. (See my web site)
It was due in 1987, which probably fits my time frame.
Rudka Cakrin is known as 'the Cakravartin' or 'the possessor of the wheel'. This
wheel supposedly is a wheel of iron that falls from the sky to mark the
beginning of his reign.
In Search of Shambhala
The association of flying saucers with Shambhala derives from the account of the
allegorical future apocalyptic war found The Stainless Light commentary to The
Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra. In this account, Raudrachakrin, the twenty-fifth
Kalki ruler of Shambhala, will come from his land mounted on a stone horse with
the power of the wind and defeat Mahdi, the leader of the non-Indic hordes.
Although Raudrachakrin represents the deep awareness of voidness with the
subtlest level of mental activity and the stone horse represents the subtlest
level of energy-wind on which this awareness rides, some have interpreted the
image as a flying saucer coming from Shambhala.
Mistaken Foreign Beliefs about Shambhala
This police force is NOT allowed to tell people what level of consciousness they
should be at;
Ken Wilber Online: The War In Iraq
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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