What is Thomas Pynchon telling us?

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Wed Jun 4 09:44:02 CDT 2008

Heikki Raudaskoski wrote:
> My memory gets dimmer day by day, but doesn't
> Hendin regard OBA as a gloomy determinist?
> Heikki
I haven't read Hendin but wouldn't just about anybody regard Pynchon as 
a gloomy determinist.

 Despite mankind's multitudinous schemes at avoidance, many of them 
insane, some less so, the Rocket will fall and we are all doomed.

That's what GR tells us. 

Most authors try to offer a way out.  Usually in the last chapter. It's 
the only way you can get your book published.

P refused to buckle under.

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