The Anti-Pynchon Author of Note?

Henry scuffling at
Fri Jun 20 15:50:46 CDT 2008

"What a crock of shit?"  If you can read OBA, then why can't you read a simple email message without getting p's in a twist?  I'm a big fan of Roth; been reading him particularly since the start of his Zuckerman books.  His books are warm, and short, but deep, and they invariably make me chuckle with a tear in my eye.

There's room for more than OBA, except in GR's parody of a land where there is only one of each stereotype.  If you appreciate OBA at all, you should know that this is not an A or B world (except in politics)!  

What a crock of shit!?  Grow up, and grow a pair! Read before you write, MD! I thought better of you.

Information, Media, and Technology Consultant


From: knee-jerkin' fanboy malignd at

What a crock of shit.  Roth's last two and a half decades has been one long string of brilliance. 

>From me, Henry:

> Philip Roth?  Constantly interviewed author of books concerned with up to no
> more than three individuals, but ultimately always just one; an author whose
> writings are never placed in times that are before his own personal time or
> in alien geographies (never encyclopedic, and no encyclopedia required).
> A-and his stories include elements of his life that he denies are
> auto-biographical.

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