AtDtDA(34): The Baby Was Born During the Rose Harvest

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Sat Jun 21 09:27:27 CDT 2008

Wondeful pick-up Dave, please allow me to just toss a 
couple of curve balls in your general direction.

Violet: Again, the Spiritual/Amythest/High Holy Feast Days, 
Elect. So this Love child is the spiritual love child, the Child 
of the New Aeon---New Age, the announcement of the 
dawning of the New Age. The act that created this Love 
Child fused same sex love/sex with the creation of the 
child. I detect an element of the Quarternionic function 
in the sex act that created little Ljubica. But even more 
than that, I intuit* that Ljubica must be the child of sex 
magick of some sort, most probabally Crowley's:

I love Rebekah, i'd guess from the context of the page that dear 
Rebekah is visible to Charles on account of her appearing in a 

          Laughter does not traverse easily the baffling of Death,
          ---yet he cannot harden his heart enought to miss the 
          old Note within --- 172

Further down: 

                     . . . .he returns to his bedcloths.

Of course, she does show up on page 314 for Charles and Jeremiah, 
both awake and about to have at it when one of her potent wings puts 
a stop to all that, thank you very much. If your looking for a theme,
sure---ghosts works fine for me.

*I haven't read Crowley's sex magick stuff [kinda sheilding 
myself from the glare, kinda sensitive to the light if you 
gather my drift], so I can't say for sure. On the other hand, 
the YRC triangle in AtD echos [in a much more positive way] 
the Brigidier Pudding episode in GR. I know that Pudding's 
scene is [apperantly inverted, go figure] sex magick, as 
Geli's finger on the pulse of what's happening most certainly 
is as well [and probabally a lot more fun, to boot.]

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