Chance as luck; yashmeen as Fortuna; later perspective on an earlier part of ATD

kelber at kelber at
Thu Jun 26 18:50:26 CDT 2008

Doesn't this imply that Luck is as elitist as the Protestant Work Ethic, in that it creates a group which, in some sense, "deserves" to be lucky?  It's possible to be doubly preterite, both unlucky and economically disadvantaged, screwed over by both the Magical and the Capitalist.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>

>I have picked up a book called Something for Nothing, by social historian jackson Lears. 2003.
>He explores gambling, in life, in our relation to the universe, American locus..........
>He links Chance/luck with magic and divination......and in America, citing Weber among others, says it is the necessary Counterforce, so to speak, to the Protestant Puritan religion of control, hard work and success in life manifesting one's salvation................
>Ah, I hear Pynchon listening..............................................................

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