NP: Dream 'n Dante

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Thu May 1 07:35:01 CDT 2008

You know, if I was to have dreams like this and write them all down,
I could write a Pynchon-like novel. I don't need no stinking classes.

Passing out of a women's prison-like setting, some female in a crowd exiting
handed me a pack of condoms, and I handed them to a female guard at the exit
window, but she forced me to take a new pack of condoms in exchange, citing
some principle about not wanting the ladies to go without them. I took them
and passed out with the crowd.

Next, I was among a group of people, perhaps all gals, sitting around on
stairs and other street appurtenances, and recounted about the condoms,
and they as a group were advising me to be careful they didn't hurt my
teeth, while I got, unspoken, some kind of an idea of using condoms as
a breast and nipple substitute, seeing in my mind's eye a condom which
was full of liquid which could pass out of a tiny hole at the end.

I tried to take out one condom from the pack, which were packaged more
like zippo papers, and pulled hard to get one out with my teeth. Somehow,
from somewhere, it was filled with water, but I found a semicircle in it
of a double row of many pinprick holes, I guess from my biting into the
condom, and all the water was rapidly leaking out, and it was deflating.

I was waving and showing it about, indicting this one was not dangerous,
seeing it could not be used in the former fashion, which may hurt teeth,
as it was useless and almost empty.

I proffered it to the mouth of one woman, and discovered that instead of
holding a flacid ballon, it was a handful of strings and a few fishhooks
on the strings, and it hooked, or nearly threatened to hook, her mouth.

She was surprised and sprang up, and it surprised me too. Then I noticed
she was in some slight uniform, perhaps of a cop, and it seemed like she
was going to write me a ticket. She turned and walked about ten feet away,
and I was hearing as she wrote this down:

"A large rudimentary object entered my mouth my feet."

or perhaps,
"A large rudimentary object entered my mouth--my feet."

or perhaps,
"A large rudimentary object entered my mouth, my feet."

"Rudimentary" isn't in my working vocabulary. It must be from a muse!
Feet, of course, is one ancient religious symbol, surely genitals.

Perhaps 'cuz I was reading some of La Vita Nuova and DC at the park.
(Yeah, it's a period when my wife turned qliphotic and kicked me out.)
Clearly, as translator Musa points out the many nines in VN, Dante is
referring to the Ennead. His saying Beatrice (blessed) was entering
nine as he was leaving nine is his own self-referential doubling due
to autofellatio: "Beatrice" the fair lady is actually his own mouth.

Then I went to study the Devil at the end of Inferno, and, if it was
never clear to me before (here, and often in VN, Dante refers to some
readers that know what he means), I understood that their successful
passing between the wingbeats (wing=labia) of the Devil, down into a
crack in the ice, on tufts of hair, and then climbing up in similar
fashion, seeing the Devils two legs now up, and a small hole ahead,
is describing going down past a female's pussy, and up her backside!

Why don't they teach this shit in school? -- Because they don't know!

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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