atddta 32: cleanly contoured as a handclap

grladams at grladams at
Sat May 10 04:28:38 CDT 2008

page 904
cleanly contoured as a handclap. after listening to one hand clap tonight.
here goes... 

First of all, where _is_ Dally-in British non London which Lew told her to
visit to bring him information --where CC's office is on page 903?
Buildings taller than any in London, okay, Maybe CC's office is in a suburb
of London. I pretended Channel Islands. Dark building where you don't know
the entrance, --  modernity in architecture 101 class you usually associate
those kinds of entrances on modern buildings. It blends in, perhaps a
nice.. Emerald color...

Page 904 you get a really beautiful paragraph here where Dally discovers
the contents of the cabinets and drawers in (one of the?) the offices of
Clive Crouchmas. The gorgeous description of the office gives us not only
England-German connections at this time but also the soverign nations that
lease or own a hand in this deck nations that stand in the way to

The discovery had a frantic pace to it, reminded me of that breathless
chaotic feeling of discovery that comes across Oedipa in COL49--and a
feeling that it would be impossible to find out so much, so quickly, now,
and how come the doors were open? The empty cylinders in the doors reminded
me of shot out ones, like the place has already been busted into? No
Country For Old Men.. She becomes enlightened in this point. She glows,
later, through her freckles in the paprika fields. There are nice mind
tangents to strawberry fields or the field of poppies and literature's
usage of fields as respite or bardo space.

Takes you to passageways of time, business, historical places, certified
"money" documents betraying a dwindling of hope -but yet hope

I'll also add a paragraph from a book description of The Art of the Market
on amazon:
In the days before advertising and annual reports, the stock certificate
projected a company's image of quality to the world through artwork and
embellishments that epitomized the times-from the bold engravings of
locomotives stamped on the shares of nineteenth-century railroad tycoons,
to the sleek Art Deco styling from the early automobile era, certificates
that collectively render America's social and economic history through wars
and peace, panics and prosperity. Each certificate is fully analyzed in
artistic terms, while the lively text offers a compelling historic
background on the capitalist mosaic.... it is fascinating to see stock
certificates--many with the actual signatures of tycoons such as John D.
Rockefeller Sr., Cornelius Vanderbilt, or J.P. Morgan--as snapshots
representing these time periods. Sadly, as we approach the end of the
century, stock certificates are being phased out in favor of electronic
Why, East Roumelia will become Bulgaria, but it was once long ago Thrace,
and Thrace was the birthplace of Ares, therefore the birthplace or origin
of war, and the note about the luminescent gas pipeline hooked to East
Roumelia references future wars, like Bush's war for oil. All walks along
the complex manifold of this text are possible.

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