Seriously NP Audio Stuff with a P-ish finish

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Fri May 16 08:09:50 CDT 2008

Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit outta muh ass!

So, anyway, I'm on a life-long quest for that most 
gryphonistically unobtainable of audio fauna, the 
elusive "perfect" mini-monitor, a realm of great 
compitition but few champions.

The OTT example is the WATT:,

. . . .tens of thousands of dollars worth of not-so mini 
monitor. John Curl has an early pair. He drapes socks 
[black, wool] over the hyperactive tweeters as a room 
treatment [is to laugh.]

But I found my elusive "perfect" mini-monitor for 2 bucks 
at a newly opened thrift store. They are Paradigm Atoms:

To be a perfect monitor, it has to sound great, be small 
and light, have bass, play loud and cost nothing. This 
pair---2 bucks! ! ! I Said 2 Bucks---and a little Sylvester 
[the WB cat, lisps, tweety bird clobbers the holy shit 
outta him] doll thrown in for nuthin! ! !---does all of the above.

The tweeter was not only non functional, it was twisted off its 
moorings. I opened the sucker up and got the dome driver 
back into the magnet, crazy-gluing it into place. Then I 
remounted the tweeter assembly back on its moorings. Viola 
[de Gamba]---it plays, it sings, it holds a center image as well 
as Curl's WATTS, and I can say that I paid two bucks for 
Sylvester 'cause, well, I'd pay 2 bucks for Sylvester, all the 
great Termite Terrace lispers are dear to my heart. And the 
Cowardly Lion too.

I must inform the Dude.

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