atdtda: 31 - pg 882

Bekah Bekah0176 at
Sat May 3 13:28:11 CDT 2008

Jesus said to them, 'When you make the two one, and when you make the  
inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the  
above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one  
and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;  
then you will enter the Kingdom.' - Gospel of Thomas, logoi 22 http://


On May 2, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:

> I think the p-wiki "electrical generation" wild guess is not relevant.
> That triad lovemaking scene HAS to be a vital [sic] metaphor and a  
> 'religious' one in some 'blasphemous' way, yes?
> Bekah <Bekah0176 at> wrote:
> Page 882
> In the "upper room"  Yashmeen,  Reef and Cyprian find old heavy  
> furnishings and ...
> 882: 1    "pale amoretti"
> Amoretti is another term for "putto" which are naked  baby angels,  
> usually male and similar to, but NOT,  cherubs.
> Quite a little scene up there on the ceiling.
> *********************
> 882. 10   Yashmeen to Cyprian,   "tesoro"  =   my treasure - a term  
> of endearment
> *********************
> 882. 6- .15     Yashmeen arranges a scene,  a set,  a tableaux  with
> Reef set to ejaculate,
> Cyprian set to accommodate Reef as a temporary receptacle and
> herself,  Yashmeen,  legs to be spread around Cyprian's head,  to  
> receive Reef's gift.   (go read the book)
> *********************
> 882.21  "fellatrice"   (rare)   a woman - a fellatrix  - who  
> performs fellatio,  oral sex in which the penis of one of the  
> participants is orally stimulated.
> synonym - blow job
> AND:  (pretty good, imo)
> From Pynchon- Wiki:
> title=ATD_864-891#Page_882
> "The conception described here is technically immaculate: Reef  
> fulfills the role of the Father, Yashmeen that of Mary, and Cyprian  
> that of the Holy Ghost.
> Or is this a human instance of three phase electrical generation?
> Or an alchemical operation to produce the Philosopher's Stone?
> Or the creation of a Moonchild through sex magic ala Aleister Crowley.
> Alchemical musings: Person-Sex-Orb-Metal
> Reef: male, sun, gold
> Yashmeen: female, moon, silver
> Cyprian: female/male, mercury, mercury (quicksilver)
> Cyprian first receives the seed as the functional equivalent of a  
> female and then plants the seed as a male. He changes gender  
> relating to his passing through the arch alone -- this also seems  
> metaphorically related to the process of photographic plate  
> development shift in colors.
> This sex shift also relates him to Mercury, quicksilver, a  
> transition metal named for a hermaphroditic god. The glyph for  
> Mercury is used in biology and botany to mean double-sexed.
> Mercury was once used in the amalgamation process of refining gold  
> and silver ores. It was central to the practice of the assayer in  
> juding the purity of gold and silver ore, and the alchemist in the  
> the production of the Philosopher's Stone. Mercury signifies the  
> coniunctio or uniting of opposites.
> *****
> The author and reader leave the angled trio  - Reef and  Yashmeen  
> smiling at each other and Cyprian grateful.
> Bekah
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> Try it now.

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