(Almost) NP
Ian Livingston
igrlivingston at gmail.com
Thu May 8 13:45:08 CDT 2008
I say it again, It all starts with V. and it all refers back to that
starting point. The stories apply shading to the overwhelming talent of the
man, but the real work starts at the point of the V., thus a reader who
starts there will have a much more rewarding experience if they enter with
enough openness, information and memory space. btw, this reader seems like
someone who might recently have read an essay by David Foster Wallace. The
essay appears in his collection, Consider the Lobster. The collection is a
very worthy read.
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:27 AM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From a blogger with a boulder on his shoulder.........
> But what I have sent this around for is the title on his rant,
> which could be applied, yes?, to some of Pynchon's sadomasochistic lovers?
> *masochismo!
> *i decided to read *the crying of lot 49* by thomas pynchon, mostly
> because i always supected that he belongs to that generation of
> self-obsessed, mid-century, american, male authors that i love to hate*, who
> are in equal parts consumed with their own brilliance and the inalienable
> rightness of said brilliance. oh, and fearing and resenting women and people
> of colour, too.
> anyway, of this ilk having only read tom robbins (fantastic when i was an
> idiotic seventeen year-old hippie and abhorrent later), jack kerouac (ditto,
> though less so the latter), and ernest hemingway (author of *the old man
> and the sea*, a book i threw across the room in disgust no less than three
> times), i was hoping to be proven wrong with pynchon. i am sorry to report
> that i hated it, also.
> i think i need to go get drunk and dance to madonna.
> ------------------------------
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