AtD, naming

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu May 8 16:17:50 CDT 2008

No, we didn't start this "naming" thread with Wittgenstein.  You
brought that to the table.

This thread started when Bekah asked:  "Is there something about
naming or not naming that's important?"  Mark then mentioned Genesis.
You brought up metaphors.  Then you brought up Tractatus.  Only you
have tried to limit this thread to the Tractatus (but even you admit
at the start that Pynchon is not "copying" the ideas of the
Tractatus).  Others, including me, have bee much more liberal in our

David Morris

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:58 PM, Page <page at> wrote:
> I must respectfully disagree about what can be said and what cannot be said. In the Wittgensteinian sense (which is where we started), there are many things which cannot be said.

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