at least tangentially P-related: Class of all classes

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Thu May 8 22:52:24 CDT 2008

ah, thanks!
"A fair jaw-cracker Dwarf language must be," as Gimli said...
's how I feel after trying to read that.
I will eventually understand it, though it take days.  Or more.
(taking frequent breaks, of course...)

I've gleaned from the article that my notion is at best
tangential to the kernel of Russell's Paradox...

sets of just data are "normal" sets, then (termed so
in the "informal" presentation part of the Wikipedia article)

- that is where I was planting a flag, metaphorizing the borderline between
pure experience and experience mediated by concept...
as if that were the summit...

"but wait there's more!" to the SoASTANMoT chestnut
- a whole slope of argument to ascend!  or, for those couch-potatoes of math
like me, just framing the question seems like a sheer rock face...

there are other cases to consider besides sets of sets, and other
implications besides layers of abstraction. The issue is the
ability to describe things, or, maybe, the limits of the power to name?
Possible tie-in to Goedel also (or is this, too, purely notional? - no,
the link indicates that Goedel's
Theorem IS Russell's Paradox in terms of number theory O-:
I didn't know that... thanks again!)

--- the other math thingie I feel the need to work on understanding
is the "curve which is everywhere continuous and nowhere differentiable"...
Nice ring to it.

On 5/8/08, David Payne <dpayne1912 at> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 May 2008 (21:10:58 -0400), Mike (michael.lee.bailey at quoted and wondered:
> > "the class of all classes which do not include themselves"
> [snip]
> > So is, in a literary sense, the phrase "the class of all classes
> > which do not include themselves" a way of saying, "raw data",
> > "uninterpreted experience"?
> Russell's paradox: and's_paradox
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