AtD, naming

Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Mon May 12 15:52:40 CDT 2008

Ah, yes. Good old Ialdabaoth. One day, if I live long enough, I'll get  
all that straightened out in my mind, Sophia, Minerva, Adam, Lilith...


On May 12, 2008, at 6:29 AM, David Morris wrote:

> I agree that The Gnostic Pynchon is very good, but used books via
> Amazon are too expensive.  Try Abebooks:
> I think the reason that Gnosticism (not gnosis) is so important to
> Pynchon is its concept of the world being the creation of a flawed
> (maybe even evil) god, the creator as the ultimate evil conspirator.
> This is a much more complex construct than "regular" Christianity with
> its God/Satan division.  With Gnosticism God IS the Devil.
> David Morris
> 2008/5/9 Bryan Snyder <wilsonistrey at>:
>> The Gnostic Pynchon is still the most mind-opening parsing of  
>> Pynchon's fiction I've ever read... You can find it used on Amazon  
>> and it's worth the prices... Whatever they may be.
>> It's an amazing read, and not all that long either.
>> B
>> It will point you to a more important thinker of gnostic-thought  
>> (or anti-gnostic thought): Eric Voegelin... And it's CLEAR Pynchon  
>> read and understand Voegelin... Arguable that he agrees with  
>> Voegelin too, although Pynchon would never be so explicit...
>> His silence on Voegelin (across al his works) is similar to the  
>> absence of Einstein in ATD.

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