NP: With Me, It's All or Nuthin'

Henry scuffling at
Tue May 13 13:21:13 CDT 2008

I agree, Bryan, ya bulb ya.  This is why I refrain from unconsidered email
in the office, but I insist on email when I need to CMA.

I'm sorry, but I hadn't been aware that Chomsky had so thoroughly renounced
the 2-party; he's so much more than that!  I'm against the 2-party, but I've
had enough of Bush, so no matter what, I need to help beat McCain!  

Bryan, we're not that far apart.  My apologies if I've been argumentative
(it's my Meyer Briggs ENTP nature :-).  I just can't keep seeing the worst
ruin this world because of good people insisting on the best and continually
getting the worst.  When the good starts, I'll push for the best. 

Information, Media, and Technology Consultant 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Snyder

This would have been a great conversation in person, given time, but not so
much via email.

On 5/13/08 4:07 AM, "Henry" <scuffling at> wrote:

> Oh! THAT quote, Bryan.  That was an interpretation of the badly founded
> fatalism found in your message.  A quote would have been additionally
> in "Original Message" my message.
> Pompous?  Moi!  How about your "bison" in your previous messages, i.e. the
> mob amongst which you are not included? "You're tired of the worst... I'm
> tired of it ALL?"  Nah, nothing pompous there, but I dunno, it just
> sound very "Chomskyite" to me, but maybe I haven't read as much Chomsky as
> you have, or perhaps you meant to say "nihilist," as in "Vee are
> Lebowski; vee belief in nuh-ting, Lebowski."  Nothing inherently pompous
> there, either, but maybe that's just me again.
> Information, Media, and Technology Consultant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Snyder [mailto:wilsonistrey at]
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 11:59 PM
> To: Henry; 'Pynchon Liste'
> Subject: Re: NP: With Me, It's All or Nuthin'
> I didn't say they seemed like my own words, I said you are quoting them as
> if I said them.  That I made pretty clear... And I spend plenty of my time
> looking "at my own house" I'm just disgusted by the assumptive and
> pompous high-horse tone.
> This isn't going anywhere, you pretty much missed or misunderstood most of
> my points... Maybe that is my fault but either way back to Pynchon for me.
> Besides, I'm a Chomskyite... There's no sense discussing politics with us.
> But I was serious when I wished Obama luck.  He's the better of the three
> but that's like picking a cancer to die from... (for me at least,
> On 5/12/08 10:14 PM, "Henry" <scuffling at> wrote:
>> Wha, wha, wha!
>> ZZZZzzzz...
>> I was so much older then.  I'm younger than that now.
>> Maybe when you're my age, Mr. Van Winkle, you'll wake back up!
>> Sorry, Bryan, but if it seems like your own words, then look to your own
>> house.  Yes, you are free to make the wrong choice, but there ARE wrong
>> choices!
>> As far as giving up goes: I gave up on giving up!
>> Information, Media, and Technology Consultant
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bryan Snyder
>> I'm not sure what you're quoting, but you quote as if you're using my own
>> words against me and you assume that I agree with the point.  Even if I
>> agree, I don't see how that statement relates to my non-vote.  A non-vote
> is
>> still action; its showing disagreement/dissatisfaction with a system: in
>> this case the Federal Government.  I didn't say if I voted locally.
> Either
>> way, still... Its my opinion based on various factors and a choice I'm
>> obviously free to make.
>> Some people give up on love, I gave up on power...
>> However, telling me to grow up is obnoxious.  You're more than likely not
> as
>> learned as you might think you are; I'm lucky enough to know I'm not.
>> We can just as easy agree to disagree; Its not the first nor, I am quite
>> certain, the last it will happen to either of us.
>> However, I do wish Obama all the luck in the world and hope he doesn't
>> shot by some shit-kickin' hick along the way.  But, I also hope he dons a
>> do-rag and fresh platinum grills for those teeth and puts all the white
>> people "on notice" during his inauguration.  Maybe plays "Today was a
>> Day" by Ice-Cube...?  ...backed by a ukulele/kazoo band...:)
>> What can I say... You're tired of the worst... I'm tired of it ALL.
>> Take it easy
>> B 

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