speaking of what isn't said...slight flashback within Jill's hosting

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 04:27:11 CDT 2008

GOOD, I say...............
  He doesn't know................the kind of 'unconscious" artist....Naive in Schiller's great distinction between naive and sentimental (which sorta means unconscious and very cerebral respectively)
  And i forgot about the time travel escape---how can one keep this book in one's head entire?--which lends more weight to Jill's layer of reading.

Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:
  quoth Mark Kohut:
> Who are the missing figures in Hunter's new canvases?

dunno, but there's a reference to a Turner picture I've been
too lazy to look for...

and Hunter himself - reading thru the 1st time, he didn't really seem
like a character but more like a figurant.
Yet he appears quite a lot, doesn't he? His paintings even help
set the scene for Cyprian's meet with the doge-dude, Sponge-toast.
His aunt, and her famous portrait by him that's supposed to be
famous, and in fact she's supposed to be famous in her own right
...the only cultural referent
I have for that is Whistler's mother...but she's only famous for being
in the painting...

His escape from the City, (which is not interpellated as New York
during the disaster scenes, but is implicated as New York in the time
machine scenes, since the Chums were camping in Central Park)
is not hearkened back to later in Venice...

ie, when Reef, Pert and her other beau meet up with him, he's
presumed to've disappeared during a cricket match though
he's famous for art
and when Dally interrogates him, he refers to a scantily-remembered
escape from a war, possibly thru time travel...

tres misterioso - does he even know, himself? where he came from,
that is, but also does he even know what he's omitting from the canvases?

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