AtDTDA 32: ruperta's now questionable ascension

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri May 16 00:47:01 CDT 2008

heehee, my work blocked your tinyurl "malicious web site"
it's weird like that...

I think I remember the post, wherein you quoted the hymn.
The hymn words are  rhymier and methinks "nicer" than the psalm words.

Your post, the Wikipedia & some Tallis sites all seem to only quote
those few lines as the text of the Fantasia, but the actual Psalm
2 goes on about 2 or 3 times that length, talks about a rod of iron &
severe discipline.

I was meditating on that over the last day and trying on some
AF/AC associations...

Also.........Seems like we could pin the date from a bio of RVW, after
all how many times could he have conducted the piece at that place?

then maybe go to Google Maps, hit the time travel option & see
what Ruperta looked like...

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