The Burgher King-operetta p 916ish

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun May 18 12:49:05 CDT 2008

Belated possible jokish association from TRP here"
  The Burgher King is what the Fisher King has come to in the society....? 

"grladams at" <grladams at> wrote:
  Burgher King

The ruler of a Central European Country feels disconnected from the people
because the lands he rules are so vast, and their sentiment is for their
country to be independent, not merging with rulers who are cousins of the
west. The way that his floofy feathery crown helmet probably antagonizes
the hoardes would be best hidden away. Even well off landowners (like Heidi
with her western name) see themselves as more like the royals, now that the
elections are over and they truly haven't included all the masses to
suffrage, (only basing this on Hungarian elections of summer 1910) even the
parlaiment or 'Rat is filled more with hoity toity ruling class last names
rather than the ethnic ones. It's no wonder that his royal advisor,
Schleppingsdorff (schlep meaning to clumsily lug around-like fish out of
water) would be resistant to putting his rotund body into streetwear and
milling around with the proles in the market. But once they take to it,
it's fun, no harm done, you're just window shopping..

Let's go on a window shopping spree!
Throw over any outfit you see,
Through the streets and alleys let's run,
Stare at it all but purchase none!

Heidi and her servant the adorable Mitzi notice the 2 men and sparks begin
to fly. Heidi's buffoon husband Ditters bobs around wondering just where
his wife is these days -as the foursome spend time angling for love. The
King's eyes are on Heidi, Schleppingsdorff reaches for Mitzi. Mitzi is
eyeing the King, so she keeps Schlep at arm's length, while fueling his
fancy for Heidi. The mixed up double date offers a play on everyone's
desire for intrigue. Idle hands and too much peace at home are a void
quickly filled with more than anyone can handle. Control leads to biting
and then the bitten seem to enjoy it. 

Likewise, Dally submits to Kit, but it's only after she asks for it? Is
this guy going to satisfy her in the long run? She doesn't like "settled

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