AtD, pp 933-934

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun May 25 19:56:43 CDT 2008

Belated second thoughts.....................................
  TRP seems to say that, IF there was latent control in said movement(s).........learned when
  "the truth came out"...............Then
  "It [true anarchy? True equality?] did not exist....."
  always a 'depth understanding', a deep look.................................
  to touch reality...........

Why do the three women say "Dustwomen' at the same time?  When Ratty has just uttered 'dustman' in that common general way for the time? 
  And, what is Marx's/Engel's/Trotsky's/Anyone's phrase that incorporates "the dustbin of history"??
  Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
    Seems TRP does a bit on the hidden male 'control' and unequal treatment of women in the movements in question.      We have especially heard that from many women involved in
  the social movements of the sixties......and there were many fewer women in earlier movements in History, it seems (from impressionistic knowledge)......the few stand out..................................
  I think the novel by one of TRP's friends, M.F. Beale, is about this for the recent past. 

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