Dick Martin Octogenarihexated

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Mon May 26 15:06:02 CDT 2008

yeah, he was a funny guy! Loved that show...

from the obit:
"Stars such as John Wayne and Kirk Douglas were delighted to make
brief appearances, and even Richard Nixon, running for president in
1968, dropped in to shout a befuddled sounding, "Sock it to me!" His
opponent, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, was offered equal time but
declined because his handlers thought it would appear undignified."

a) if only Nixon's line there had been "What?"

b) that would never happen nowadays; Reagan did away with "equal time"
and it is sorely missed,
like well-regulated airlines and utilities
like COLAs - there used to be this idea that people would get raises
       when the cost of living went up, see...
like defined-benefit retirement plans
like honest funding for Social Security
like progressive income tax for God's sake...

like nuclear disarmament
like the Geneva convention
and like 4000+ others I could name and literally countless Iraqis today

fuck, Reagan's programs suck...

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