TRP unfilmable?

kelber at kelber at
Thu May 29 11:14:37 CDT 2008

Personally, I think a film version of GR that was true to the book would be excruciating to sit through.  I'm comfortable with the idea that some things are best left in print.

There've been plans in the works for years to turn Blood Meridian into a film.  The project was dropped at one point , then picked up again.  They have yet to come up with a script.  Staying true to the book would result in a pretentious gore-fest with zero plot development and no real characters.  Hard to sit through for most people (including me), I'd imagine.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Appelbaum <brucea at>
>Sent: May 28, 2008 2:42 PM
>To: Paul Di Filippo <pgdf at>
>Cc: pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: TRP unfilmable?
>All are filmable.  The real questions are:  would anybody be able to  
>really do them justice AND if they were done properly, would they be  
>commercially viable?
>"Buy the ticket, take the ride."
>--- Hunter S. Thompson
>On May 28, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Paul Di Filippo wrote:

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