on 'slacker'.....................

robinlandseadel at comcast.net robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Thu May 29 20:33:27 CDT 2008

In the Church of Subgenius, Slack = Grace.

Or something like that:





          The central belief in the Church is the pursuit of Slack, 
          which generally stands for the sense of freedom, 
          independence, and original thinking that comes when 
          you achieve your personal goals. The Church states 
          that we are all born with Original Slack, but that Slack 
          has been stolen from us by a worldwide conspiracy of 
          normal people, or "pinks". The Church encourages 
          originality and frowns on actions seen as pinkness, 
          which happens when one bows down to authority and 
          the accepted limits of society. Slack is also about doing 
          nothing and getting what you want anyway. "Bob" being 
          the center of the Slack plane cannot fail, even his failures 
          are startling successes as a result of his absurdly high 
          Slack. Popular Church phrases supporting these goals are 
          "Give Me Slack or KILL ME!", "The SubGenius Must Have 
          Slack" and "Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke."

          The Linux distribution Slackware is named for Slack. [3] 
          The card game Chez Geek uses Slack to keep score; the 
          object of the game is to accumulate Slack counters until 
          one player wins by reaching his or her Slack Goal.


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