ATDTDA (33) - pregnancy in Bulgaria or "The Emancipation of Dissonance"

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri May 30 19:21:17 CDT 2008

  Well, I like the interpretation and look what I found:
September 1 - the Vatican introduces a compulsory oath against modernism, to be taken by all priests upon ordination.    1910, wikipedia....(check it out to see what I missed)   
  Although, usually, one would think by the time the Vatican banned, it had already happened, but maybe this is what TRP means.
  But, another late thought: maybe TRP was alluding to musical chairs? In 1910, the European countries with uncertain "national identities" all had to sit down?......But
  I can find nothing to substantiate that in geopolitical themes....

David Payne <dpayne1912 at> wrote:
That's a dark vision, Robin!

So -- 1910 as the advent of modernism? 

(i.e., Henry - invention of talkies; Mark - Woolf quote about the change of human nature; me - polical events; Robin - horror)

And the end of the music as the end of the old ways?

Also in 1910 -- Mexican Revolution and the creation of the US Bureau Mines (i.e., another nail in the coffin of the wild west?). And Halley Comet, a change of British monarchs, & Portugal becomes a republic, & Stavinsky's Firebird Suite...

Robin wrote:

> 1910: The Emancipation of Dissonance:
> Swollen red eyes, their cavities spreading out through the flesh as if under an order not to sleep. Pupils dilated to the point where they seem to transmit rather than receive perceptions, like a knowing gaze of a fish long dead. The redness of these eyes marks a painful and ghastly emanation out of what seems to have once been a person. This face is being reclaimed, its features giving way to the miasma with which it is stricken. If there is any victory here it is only one of recognition. Arnold Schoenberg: The Red Gaze of May 1910.

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