AtD, maps, mapping and mismapping.....just sayin'

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri May 30 19:25:26 CDT 2008

cool thoughts, got me speculating too...

a) someone sez it's broad @ the top, tapering Bosnia
or South Texas...or Mexico...
or, the letter V.
or, a tornado (like the one that haunts Candlebrow)

b) the land itself, its riches taken from the natives by
other, usually whiter, men...
capsulization of colonialism
labelled as Belgian Congo because the process is egregiously evil there?
but applicable to other terrains

c) the map could be a snipe hunt, except the three sojourners
do actually find something (but that's getting ahead of the action)
--- as far as they know at this point, it could be a snipe hunt...
but apparently they trust these anarchists.

d) and yet, apparently the attraction isn't mutually strong enough
for them to want to stay there (or to be invited, in fact)
- I don't know as I'd want to stay: at the beginning of the section,
when the campers join in song, it's a song of coming hardship...

e) earlier, Wolfe Tone O'Rooney has gently eased Reef out
of the ranks of the "anarchist church militant" and Reef accepted his discharge.

f) what I relate it to personally is the "arts brigade" of the
anarchist movement
- a very much more congenial area...
then the map sort of relates to how a rebel might meet up with Surrealism,
how a violent leftist, exposed to philosophy, might become a thinker and
change more lives than were ever changed with mere explosions...
the Interdikt across the "Belgian Congo" then would relate to the memes
and thought forms preventing people from relating to each other with kindness
- the memes, thought forms, habits that form the threat that sustains hierarchy!

g) and the (or, ok, "a") keystone of hierarchy is exclusiveness and
possessiveness, which Cyprian/Reef/Yashmeen are ringing changes on,
so they are suitable, if anyone is, to defuse this threat

h) in the context of married couples...and math:
the phrase, "ordered pairs" defines a location in a plane, right?
So adding a third party could in math terms be thinking in additional

On 5/28/08, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> The map stuff in this section Laura has just sent around reminds me of a
> couple-three things:
> 1) the masks stuff---cause everything is hidden. Talk about the map not
> being the territory!
> TRP might be joking on THAT with much else.
> 2) Renfrew's maps might go around the whole world. Like satellite networks;
> like wireless networks; like the a justification for
> total Paranoia?
> 3) Mapping is often how language is spoken of....and, here, it is all codes
> and disinformation readable only by Specialists, by the Spies.........(we
> can't forget the world of betrayal and inauthenticity we are in).......and
> the map may be predictive of the future....self-fulfilling
> prophecies?........the inevitablity of War and destruction once the
> deceptive Spying world
> has become the norm?.......................

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