TMoP Chapter 19

Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Fri Nov 21 17:37:04 CST 2008

A very short chapter.

After feeling at loose ends over Anna's angry departure the evening  
before, D is surprised by her early return from the shop. Fires and  
rioting have closed all the shops where she works. Students and  
workers are battling the police.

That night she returns to him again and she is more passionate than  
ever. She cries out, ignoring the fact that her daughter is asleep in  
the next room. D is somewhat taken aback by the intensity of her  
coupling and thinks he hears her refer to him as a devil.

After a second coupling fails, she weeps, "I can't go on!" then  
"Please leave us alone,"

D:  "You think I have been using you?"

Anna: " use me as a route to my child."

She admits she has sex with him because she's afraid he will "... use  
Matryosha in the same way."

Anna walks out but returns later that night to tell him to forget what  
she said and to stay the night.

D awakens in the morning to see Matryona staring at him and her mother.


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