Astronomers capture first images of new planets

Otto ottosell at
Sat Nov 15 07:03:25 CST 2008

It'd we a challenge living on a gas giant...

...nevertheless, I'd like to baptize"Fomalhaut b" "Laporte's Planet",
from a story that deals with an impossible landing on one of
Fomalhaut's planets:

2008/11/14 Glenn Scheper <glenn_scheper at>:
> Yeah. It'd be a drag living where one solar year lasted 800 earth-years.
> You'd have summer-only lives and winter-only lives.
> People'd have a hard time appreciating their historical tales.
> Ah! Travel would be the key: Herds of people following the sun.
> Yours truly,
> Glenn Scheper
> glenn_scheper + at +
> Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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