Spirit of Baal, modern

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 13 08:11:10 CDT 2008

While the tragic death of my friend, the friend of all the free people, the 
great Benazir Bhutto, raises your righteous passions, and focuses the minds of 
the masses on what they have not, do not miss either the opportunity to promote 
the rise of a free people, or the challenge of those whom would seek to oppress 
you. Your enemy is neither another Nation State, nor each other, but the spirit 
of intolerance and hatred itself which has now entered and roams amongst you 
wearing a mask, through which you have the unique power to see. That unique 
power is born by the eternal cry "Freedom!" Those who read my humble words, who 
find yourselves being pulled apart by the great need of your people, leave not 
the least among them behind - the conviction in that eternal cry will carry you 
forth in their stead, and give you the power to stand before the great enemy of 
your people - division!
  -- http://www.projectcamelot.org/benazir_bhutto.html
  Project Camelot | A tribute to Benazir Bhutto

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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