NP: Something apocalyptic comes

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Oct 20 08:09:07 CDT 2008

Here I tune up the Ezekiel symbols. You'd want to know?

>Dear Michael Lieb,
>I surfed your name strongly, and I read anything free online.
>(I thought you were a goner when I read this Nov 2007 eulogy...
>Institute For the Humanities, A Conference in Honor of Michael Lieb
>...but revived hope from dates "-present" on your web site.
>Suffer my few odd ideas on the way, and I will give you the
>teleological physical referents that explain Ezekiel Chapter
>one, that same thing in many other places, and other things.
>In 1976, I had a psychosis.--Think Hamlet, or Gregor Samsa.
>It was the fourth seal, Hell, part of a god-man incarnation.
>About 1980, I finished the seals, (trumpets too I suppose, but
>I have not solved those referents), and did an Egyptian-like
>second birth of the man-child. (See more on my links below.)
>An essential element I must mention for Ez, is monadic tantra.
>Again, I offer a whole christology based on that in my pages.
>About 1985 (Farrakhan's vision confirms date) I was rebuilding
>a Honda CH250 scooter engine, and (please stay with me here...)
>I fellated myself -through- the cylinder part held in my hands.
>Within a month, I had the general outline of Ez 1 as an engine,
>and I figured, that very engine, but it was not quite perfect.
>Later, I got a 1989 Honda Civic: four cylinder, sixteen valve,
>single overhead cam, fuel injected, and the correspondance of
>that engine to all the form and function of Ez 1 *IS* perfect:
>My web page describing it is not perfect, but using e-sword's
>interlinear and looking up etymologies, and with a few online
>insights, I will correct it herein for you personally:
>First, this true referent flies not at all "in the sky". I say
>the phrase "lifted up" should be translated as "accelerated".
>One living (moving) entity consists of a single piston and
>it's connecting rod as its foot/leg (straight, with no knee).
>The piston is circular, but turns not. It runs and returns
>"as a flash", not yet getting to the topic of the lightning.
>A four cycle combustion process has four phases, the faces:
>man - intake
>ox - compression (later cherubim, even as heifers are obsolete)
>lion - power
>eagle - exhaust
>The big end of the connecting rod is only a half-circle,
>which resembles a calf's cloven hoof. Along with its end
>cap, their full circle makes the "eye" (or hole) which,
>--I have seen the engine being cranked, it is awesome--
>fills ('plumps') the locus/rim they trace around the crank.
>Now Ez's single wheel means the whole crankshaft, and the
>four individual wheels are the cranks, at four quadrants.
>And the rest of my web page is probably sufficient...
>lightning walking among them = sparks
>pneuma = the gaseous aspects of the process
>engine head = firmament
>overhead cam = terrible crystal
>rockers = wings (inner pair; outer pair touch adjacent)
>hand = valve, I think. (or a euphemism for genital?)
>So with this accurate referent, you can recognize it
>even in Enoch (the rotating/shuttling "mountains").
>These beasts are not John's beasts. (See my pages.)
>I hope this information is of use to you. It should be!
>My novel interpretation of Ezekiel Chapter 1.
>My novel interpretation of current affairs (WTC 9-11).
>My novel interpretation of The Book of Revelation.
>Yours truly,
>Glenn Scheper
>glenn_scheper + at +
>Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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