The purpose of fiction, 822-826

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Wed Oct 8 09:12:46 CDT 2008

> Anthropic Principle
> In its "strong" form, the principle states that
> the sum of cumulative acts of observations
> made by all human beings is the actual mechanism
> by which the universe was created.

I sorta have that intuition myself.

Ez 1 is a perfect description without a good technical
vocabulary of a 4-cylinder 16-valve overhead cam Honda
Civic automobile engine. What, 3000 years beforehand?

My tantric meditations "intrude" into my earlier time,
signs, like a retro-psychokinetic feedback mechanism.

If there is merely communication of information from
later to earlier, as those two things show, then we
have a possibility of a teleologically (from the end)
determined plan for the universe, or our little part.

In a multi-verse model, in a later universe in which
one survives, one can communicate backward to affect
one's earlier actions, and in the ones in which one
dies, there is no feedback, hence one can pick well.

The whole plan of God then, might be the culmination,
or summarization, of all of men's choices throughout
history, at least recorded history. (Recorded in DNA?)

When Jesus prayed, "take this cup from me," He wished
to choose a different multi-verse, but such a future
universe may not have been viable for the 3 apostles,
who reacted by sleeping (death).

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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