Pynchon's meaningful AtD colors..from a NR interview with the Socialist candidate
Lawrence Bryan
lebryan at
Sat Oct 25 03:52:37 CDT 2008
Hmmmm... I guess it never occurred to me to think about what your mind
is. So gloss away, Glenn. :)
On Oct 24, 2008, at 3:17 PM, Glenn Scheper wrote:
> Lawrence said:
> Check out the essay on yellow in Theroux's "The Primary Colors".
> I think a gloss will suffice. Waddaya think my mind is? A taffy-pull?
> Yellow, for Mr. Theroux, is linked, affirmatively, with the sun,
> with gold and
> light and transcendence. It is the color of butter, sponges, tennis
> balls,
> candlelight, pencils, rain slickers and McDonald's golden arches.
> Its negative
> connotations seem equally potent: illness and cowardice and evil.
> "It is the
> color of early bruises," he writes, "unpopular cats, potato wart,
> old paper,
> chloroflavedo in plants, forbidding skies, dead leaves, xanthoderma,
> purulent
> conjunctivitis, dental plaque, gimp lace, foul curtains, infection
> and pus
> ('yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye,' sings John
> Lennon in
> 'I Am the Walrus'), speed bumps, callused feet, and ugly deposits of
> nicotine on
> fingers and teeth."
> --
> BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Red, Yellow and Blue From a Wordsmith's Prism -
> New York Times
> Yours truly,
> Glenn Scheper
> glenn_scheper + at +
> Copyleft(!) Forward freely.
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